Ladies and gentleman start your rumors!
If the the last 10 months of music are any indicator of what to expect than we are all in for a messianic year of festivals and Coachella is the big bang of the season so here we go!
Daft Punk has still not performed anywhere as of yet. Their glimmering RAM set the bar insanely high for 2013. I will put all of my very very limited funds on Daft Punk starting their world tour at Coachella 2013.

JT and Jay Z have had a huge year and I would be very surprised if they didn't hit the festival circuit.
Could not have asked for a better showing from these newly Los Angeles residing old friends of mine
Danny Brown is setting off on a tour with A-Trak right now. His already high octane live set will certainly benefit from the drop-heavy big booty bass arrangements of the "5 Time World Champion DJ." If you have given this record any spin interest (SPINTEREST!!!!!!) you've probably already realized the potential of tracks like "Dip" in a festival setting.
Not only the best Dance record of the year but also the most confidant and impressive debut since Arctic Monkeys put money on your dance floor abilities. Of course there's Latch and "When A Fire Starts To Burn", which is discussed a bit more in a previous post. But the track I keep finding myself coming back to even after a full 5 months is Help Me Lose My Mind
These LA Jew girls really know how to rock.
Big year for Ghostwave. And I'm not just saying that because they are super duper dope dudes, but also because they are benevolent with their vodka.
LORDE has been killing it this year. Watch her covering Kanye below. Seriously gives me goosebumps:
Seriously was impressed by the output from Odd Future this year.
Washed Out have really grown into their sound. Ernest Greene's newest effort is full of the sexy textures that have made him your favorite opening theme music for any TV show ever. At the same time they have become a powerful live act. Saw them at FYF couple months ago and witnessed their totally revamped set up. Great lighting, great sound and Ernest himself has become quite the front man.
The Arcade Fire are making a hell of an unraveling for their new album. if you need proof look no further than the Roman Copolla directed video of them debuting 3 incredible songs. Featuring Ben Stiller, Bono Michael Cera and a slew of others.
Seriously watch it. You are on the internet doing nothing anyway.
And of course:
So there you have it. Clearly their are others that I have not mentioned like Chance the Rapper, The National, Vampire Weekend, Juicy J, Miley Cyrus, Robin Thicke... you get it.
These are just the ones I am super stoked to see and over 50% certain will show. I am really curious to see how much of this I call. Someone's gonna have to owe me a coke.
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